My Vespa 'U'

On our honeymoon last summer we sopped at a store in Berne. I knew that there was a Vespa 'U'. I was very happy, that I could buy that scooter.

Special no shock absorber in front
link side cheek very narrowly
right engine cheek only small
Lamp at the steering wheel
Tread strips from aluminum
no steering wheel lock
Kickstart without rubber

Vespa 125 'U'

It was introduced to Switzerland in 1954/1955.

Swiss motor vehicle control required the following adjustments, which the importing company made: Speedometer with Winkeltrieb on `s rear wheel. Combination brake: When pulling the front brake the rear wheel is also braked (you can put both feet on the ground at the mountain during braking). Theft safety device: Because no steering wheel lock was present, they attached a lock with the gasoline cock cover. Number supporter in front: is today unfortunately missing, who has one, is please to announce it to me:)

Pictures: Infos Vespa 'U'

Data from the document of identification
Art des Fahrzeuges Motorrad
Fabrikmarke Vespa
Modelljahr 1954
Typenschein No. leer
Fahrgestell No. VU1T - 6983
Motor No. VU1M - 6927
Treibstoff Benzin
PS oder Hubraum 0.63
Karosserieform solo
Farbe grün
Leergewicht kg 78
Plätze : Total 2
Nutzlast kg 140
Gesamtgewicht kg 218
1. Inverkehrssetzung 8.8.55

© 2006 by Thomas Hitz